Namespace: util


Various utility functions.






util.Array { Constructor.<Uint8Array> }

Array implementation used in the browser. Uint8Array if supported, otherwise Array.

util.Buffer { Constructor.<Buffer> }

Node's Buffer class if available.

util.decorateRoot readonly{ Root }

Decorator root (TypeScript).

util.emptyArray constant{ *[] }

An immuable empty array.

util.emptyObject constant{ Object }

An immutable empty object.

util.fs { Object<string, *> }

Node's fs module if available.

util.isNode constant{ boolean }

Whether running within node or not.

util.key2Re constant{ RegExp }

Regular expression used to verify 2 bit (bool) map keys.

util.key32Re constant{ RegExp }

Regular expression used to verify 32 bit (int32 etc.) map keys.

util.key64Re constant{ RegExp }

Regular expression used to verify 64 bit (int64 etc.) map keys.

util.Long { Constructor.<Long> }

Long.js's Long class if available.

util.toJSONOptions { IConversionOptions }

Default conversion options used for Message#toJSON implementations.

These options are close to proto3's JSON mapping with the exception that internal types like Any are handled just like messages. More precisely:

  • Longs become strings
  • Enums become string keys
  • Bytes become base64 encoded strings
  • (Sub-)Messages become plain objects
  • Maps become plain objects with all string keys
  • Repeated fields become arrays
  • NaN and Infinity for float and double fields become strings


util.asPromise(fn, ctx, params){ Promise<*> }

Returns a promise from a node-style callback function.

Name Type Description
fn asPromiseCallback

Function to call

ctx *

Function context

params * repeatable

Function arguments

Type Description
Promise.<*> Promisified function

util.camelCase(str){ string }

Converts a string to camel case.

Name Type Description
str string

String to convert

Type Description
string Converted string

util.codegen(functionParams, functionName){ Codegen }

Begins generating a function.

Name Type Description
functionParams Array.<string>

Function parameter names

functionName string optional

Function name if not anonymous

Type Description
Codegen Appender that appends code to the function's body

util.codegen(2)(functionName){ Codegen }

Begins generating a function.

Name Type Description
functionName string optional

Function name if not anonymous

Type Description
Codegen Appender that appends code to the function's body

util.compareFieldsById(a, b){ number }

Compares reflected fields by id.

Name Type Description
a Field

First field

b Field

Second field

Type Description
number Comparison value

util.decorateEnum(object){ Enum }

Decorator helper for enums (TypeScript).

Name Type Description
object Object

Enum object

Type Description
Enum Reflected enum

util.decorateType(ctor, typeName){ Type }

Decorator helper for types (TypeScript).

Name Type Description
ctor Constructor.<T>

Constructor function

typeName string optional

Type name, defaults to the constructor's name

Name Type Description
root Root

Decorators root

Type Description
Type Reflected type

util.fetch(filename, options, callback){ undefined }

Fetches the contents of a file.

Name Type Description
filename string

File path or url

options IFetchOptions

Fetch options

callback FetchCallback

Callback function

Type Description

util.fetch(2)(path, callback){ undefined }

Fetches the contents of a file.

Name Type Description
path string

File path or url

callback FetchCallback

Callback function

Type Description

util.fetch(3)(path, options){ Promise<(string|Uint8Array)> }

Fetches the contents of a file.

Name Type Description
path string

File path or url

options IFetchOptions optional

Fetch options

Type Description
Promise.<(string|Uint8Array)> Promise

util.inquire(moduleName){ Object }

Requires a module only if available.

Name Type Description
moduleName string

Module to require

Type Description
Object Required module if available and not empty, otherwise null

util.isInteger(value){ boolean }

Tests if the specified value is an integer.

Name Type Description
value *

Value to test

Type Description
boolean true if the value is an integer

util.isObject(value){ boolean }

Tests if the specified value is a non-null object.

Name Type Description
value *

Value to test

Type Description
boolean true if the value is a non-null object

util.isReserved(name){ boolean }

Tests whether the specified name is a reserved word in JS.

Name Type Description
name string

Name to test

Type Description
boolean true if reserved, otherwise false

util.isset(obj, prop){ boolean }

Checks if a property on a message is considered to be present.
This is an alias of util.isSet.

Name Type Description
obj Object

Plain object or message instance

prop string

Property name

Type Description
boolean true if considered to be present, otherwise false

util.isSet(obj, prop){ boolean }

Checks if a property on a message is considered to be present.

Name Type Description
obj Object

Plain object or message instance

prop string

Property name

Type Description
boolean true if considered to be present, otherwise false

util.isString(value){ boolean }

Tests if the specified value is a string.

Name Type Description
value *

Value to test

Type Description
boolean true if the value is a string

util.lcFirst(str){ string }

Converts the first character of a string to lower case.

Name Type Description
str string

String to convert

Type Description
string Converted string

util.longFromHash(hash, unsigned){ Long | number }

Converts an 8 characters long hash string to a long or number.

Name Type Default Description
hash string


unsigned boolean false optional

Whether unsigned or not

Type Description
Long | number Original value

util.longToHash(value){ string }

Converts a number or long to an 8 characters long hash string.

Name Type Description
value Long | number

Value to convert

Type Description
string Hash

util.merge(dst, src, ifNotSet){ Object<string, *> }

Merges the properties of the source object into the destination object.

Name Type Default Description
dst Object.<string, *>

Destination object

src Object.<string, *>

Source object

ifNotSet boolean false optional

Merges only if the key is not already set

Type Description
Object.<string, *> Destination object

util.newBuffer(sizeOrArray){ Uint8Array | Buffer }

Creates a new buffer of whatever type supported by the environment.

Name Type Default Description
sizeOrArray number | Array.<number> 0 optional

Buffer size or number array

Type Description
Uint8Array | Buffer Buffer

util.newError(name){ Constructor.<Error> }

Creates a custom error constructor.

Name Type Description
name string

Error name

Type Description
Constructor.<Error> Custom error constructor

util.oneOfGetter(fieldNames){ OneOfGetter }

Builds a getter for a oneof's present field name.

Name Type Description
fieldNames Array.<string>

Field names

Type Description
OneOfGetter Unbound getter

util.oneOfSetter(fieldNames){ OneOfSetter }

Builds a setter for a oneof's present field name.

Name Type Description
fieldNames Array.<string>

Field names

Type Description
OneOfSetter Unbound setter

util.pool(alloc, slice, size){ PoolAllocator }

A general purpose buffer pool.

Name Type Default Description
alloc PoolAllocator


slice PoolSlicer


size number 8192 optional

Slab size

Type Description
PoolAllocator Pooled allocator

util.safeProp(prop){ string }

Returns a safe property accessor for the specified property name.

Name Type Description
prop string

Property name

Type Description
string Safe accessor

util.toArray(object){ *[] }

Converts an object's values to an array.

Name Type Description
object Object.<string, *>

Object to convert

Type Description
Array.<*> Converted array

util.toObject(array){ Object<string, *> }

Converts an array of keys immediately followed by their respective value to an object, omitting undefined values.

Name Type Description
array Array.<*>

Array to convert

Type Description
Object.<string, *> Converted object

util.ucFirst(str){ string }

Converts the first character of a string to upper case.

Name Type Description
str string

String to convert

Type Description
string Converted string