Namespace: base64

util. base64

A minimal base64 implementation for number arrays.


util.base64.decode(string, buffer, offset){ number }

Decodes a base64 encoded string to a buffer.

Name Type Description
string string

Source string

buffer Uint8Array

Destination buffer

offset number

Destination offset

Type Description

If encoding is invalid

Type Description
number Number of bytes written

util.base64.encode(buffer, start, end){ string }

Encodes a buffer to a base64 encoded string.

Name Type Description
buffer Uint8Array

Source buffer

start number

Source start

end number

Source end

Type Description
string Base64 encoded string

util.base64.length(string){ number }

Calculates the byte length of a base64 encoded string.

Name Type Description
string string

Base64 encoded string

Type Description
number Byte length

util.base64.test(string){ boolean }

Tests if the specified string appears to be base64 encoded.

Name Type Description
string string

String to test

Type Description
boolean true if probably base64 encoded, otherwise false